The Center of learning aids to develop Thai education to international

49th Anniversary

Dancing Electrostatic

CODE : 10SC680

฿ 9,500

Last Update : 11/03/2024

Availability : สินค้า by order ( รอผลิตประมาณ 60 วัน )

Specifications: This ?Dancing Electrostatic? model is used for the study of static electricity caused by friction and the properties of polarity of water. This model is used by releasing water through a stream; it is used to conduct electricity from polishing frieze and a plastic sheet, which is placed nearby the water tube, so that the stream diffracts according to the intensity of the electric charge. The funnel placed on the top of this model has a diameter of 20cm. The funnel holder is made of metal with a square base of height 120cm. The table at the bottom is made of wood with 50cm. in width 50cm. in length and 40cm. in height.