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49th Anniversary

100 pcs Advanced Zoology Prepared Microscope Slides

CODE : 4014537

฿ 5,000

Last Update : 11/03/2024

Availability : สินค้าพร้อมจำหน่าย 5 ชุด

  • A set of ready-made slides for teaching science from high school to university level
  • Slides showing examples covering zoology topics such as insects, parasites and animals of various kingdoms.
  • High quality fixed slide plate. Made of good quality glass, size 25 x 75 mm., covered with a square or circular slide cover. Each slide is labeled. clearly readable
  • The set consists of 100 slides covering the following contents:




  1. Euglena w.m.

  2. Rotifera w.m.

  3. Paramecium caudatum w.m.

  4. Conjugation of paramecium caudatum w.m.

  5. Binary fission of paramecium caudatum w.m.



  1. Freshwater spongia w.m.

  2. Spincule of spongia (silica) w.m.



  1. Hydra with bud w.m.

  2. Hydra t.s.

  3. Hydra l.s.



  1. Dugesia japanica (intestine injected) w.m.

  2. Dugesia japanica (show reproduction system) w.m.

  3. Dugesia japanica sagittal section

  4. Adult clonorchis sinensis cobbold w.m.

  5. Eggs of clonorchis sinensis cobbold w.m. (nature color)

  6. Schistosoma japonicum (female) w.m.

  7. Schistosoma japonicum (male) w.m.

  8. Sexual mosaic of schistosoma japonicum w.m.

  9. Eggs of schistosoma japonicum w.m. (natural color)

  10. Miracidium of schistosoma japonicum w.m.

  11. Cercaria of schistosoma japonicum w.m.



  1. Ascaris lumbricoides (male ) t.s.

  2. Ascaris lumbricoides (female) t.s.

  3. Ascaris lumbricoides (female and male) t.s.

  4. Ascarid lumbricoide egg w.m. (natural color)



  1. Hirudo t.s.

  2. Earthworm x.s.

  3. Earthworm front median l.s.

  4. Earthworm x.s. through clitellum



  1. Gill of anodonta t.s.



  1. Daphnia w.m.

  2. Cyclops w.m.

  3. Tetranychus cinnabarinus w.m.

  4. Eggs of culex w.m.

  5. Pupa of culex w.m.

  6. Larva of culex w.m.

  7. Female culex w.m.

  8. Male culex w.m.

  9. Pediculus humanus w.m.

  10. Young Shrimp entire w.m.

  11. Chewing mouthpart of cockroach w.m.

  12. Chewing-lapping mouthpart of honeybee w.m.

  13. Piercing-sucking mouthpart of mosquito w.m.

  14. Sponging mouthpart of housefly w.m.

  15. Siphoning mouthpart of butterfly w.m.

  16. Walking leg of cockroach w.m.

  17. Grasping leg of mantis w.m.

  18. Digging leg of mole cricket w.m.

  19. Pollen-carrying leg of honeybee w.m.

  20. Jumping leg of grasshopper w.m.

  21. Climbing leg of louse w.m.

  22. Membranous wing of honeybee w.m.

  23. Coriacrious wing of grasshopper w.m.

  24. Wing of housefly w.m.

  25. Lepidotic of butterfly w.m.

  26. Setaceous antenna of dragonfly w.m.

  27. Filiform antenna of grasshopper w.m.

  28. Moniliform antenna of termite w.m.

  29. Serrate antenna of beetle w.m.

  30. Melolontha, cockchafer, antenna with sense organs w.m

  31. Geniculate antenna of honeybee w.m.

  32. Aristate antenna of housefly w.m.

  33. Whorled antenna of male mosquito w.m.

  34. Clavate antenna of butterfly w.m.

  35. Drosophila melanogaster w.m. female

  36. Drosophila melanogaster w.m. male

  37. Leg of housefly w.m.

  38. The sting of a bee w.m.

  39. Grasshopper testis sec.

  40. Grasshopper muscle w.m.


  1. Skin of fish

  2. Gill of fish t.s.

  3. Intestine of fish t.s.

  4. Spleen of fish t.s.

  5. Blood of fish smear

  6. Esophagus of fish sec.

  7. Wall of stomach of fish sec.

  8. Heart of fish t.s.

  9. Fish scale w.m.



  1. Simple-cell of egg of frog sec.

  2. 2-cell of egg of frog sec.

  3. Tadpole l.s.

  4. Chromatophores of skin of frog w.m.

  5. Skin of frog t.s.

  6. Liver of frog t.s.

  7. Blood of frog smear

  8. Lung of frog t.s.

  9. Ovary of frog sec.

  10. Intestine of frog t.s.



  1. Feather of bird w.m.

  2. Lung of bird t.s.

  3. Gizzard of duck t.s.

  4. Ovary of chicken t.s.

  5. Glandulose stomach of chicken t.s.

  6. Lung of chicken t.s.

  7. Kidney of chicken t.s.



  1. Tail of mouse (show many tissues) t.s.

  2. Ovary of cat sec.

  3. Esophagus of dog t.s.

  4. Trachea of dog t.s.