The Center of learning aids to develop Thai education to international

49th Anniversary

Loop-the-Loop Demonstrator

CODE : 10SC890

฿ 19,000

Last Update : 11/03/2024

Availability : สินค้า by order ( รอผลิตประมาณ 60 วัน )

Specifications: This Demonstrator is used for the study of the relationship between the centrifugal force and earth?s gravity. When the metal ball is released, it will flow through the loop, not falling when it is supposed to bases on Earth?s Gravity; this is due to its Centrifugal Force. For example, a roller coaster will not fall to the ground even on an upside-down state. The rail is made of stainless steel, the coil is bent to make a circular shape. This set includes 2 metal experiment balls which are 32 mm in diameter. The metal ball is released 114 cm. The rail length is approximately 4 m in which the ball will travel without falling out. This set is held on a wooden base with dimensions 40x197.5x10 cm. It is covered with Formica plastic.