The Center of learning aids to develop Thai education to international

49th Anniversary

Human torso

CODE : 40194812

฿ 12,500

Last Update : 11/03/2024

Availability : สินค้าพร้อมจำหน่าย 27 ชุด


  1. Body organ model Demonstrates human anatomy Suitable for use as a teaching aid for basic human body.
  2. Showing the components and internal characteristics of the body The parts can be disassembled and exchanged male and female. in order to be able to study the details more clearly.
  3. The appearance of the model is three-dimensional, realistic, with each part having a different color. for easy learning.
  4. This model can disassemble it consists of 41 pieces.
  • Torso.
  • Female breast plate.
  • Head.
  • Eye ball.
  • Brain, Can be disassembled 8 pieces.
  • Vertebra spinal nerves, Can be disassembled 4 pieces.
  • Heart, Can be disassembled 2 pieces.
  • Lung, Can be disassembled 4 pieces.
  • Trachea.
  • Esophagus and Descending aorta.
  • Diaphragm.
  • Liver.
  • Kidney.
  • Stomach, Can be disassembled 2 pieces.
  • Intestines
  • Colon, Can be disassembled 3 pieces.
  • Male genitalia, Can be disassembled 4 pieces.
  • Female genitalia with fetus, Can be disassembled 3 pieces.
  • None sex genitalia.
  1. The vital organs are numbered. with documents explaining details in both Thai and English.
  2. The model is made of good quality PVC, mounted on a strong and stable plastic base.
  3. The model has a total height of about 85 centimeters and is assembled on a plastic base and measures approximately 35x22 centimeters.
  4. with charts showing various systems of the human body to be used for teaching about the human body colorful It also explains in detail the various students can understand more easily in 1 set contains 11 pictures.
  • Human Skeleton.
  • The Eye.
  • Heart.
  • Digestive System.
  • Nervous System.
  • Muscles.
  • Circulatory System.
  • Respiratory System.
  • Section of the Brain.
  • The Kidneys.
  • The Ear.