The Center of learning aids to develop Thai education to international

49th Anniversary

Human Reproductive Organs set of 8 size 50x70 cm.


฿ 7,500

Last Update : 02/02/2022

Availability : สินค้าพร้อมจำหน่าย 3 SET

"The chart shows a curve of the human reproductive system. There are 8 types.
1.Male Genital Organs (Front view)
2.Male Genital Organs (Sagittal view)
3.How Semen As Formed Seminal Channels And Ejaculation
4.First Week Of Egg Development And Implantation
5.Fertilization (Cross Section Diagram Of An Ovary)
6.Eighr Month Old Fetus
7.Various Stages Of Embrionic Development
8.Female Genital Organs (Sagittal View)"